Giovedì 20 aprile 2023, ore 17.30
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Daniele Malfitana – Presidente Scuola Superiore, UNICT
Rocco Mattia Di Mauro – Allievo della Classe di Scienze Sperimentali, SSC
Alfredo Pulvirenti – Professore associato di Informatica, Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale, UNICT
Eugene Myers – Direttore dell’Istituto Max Planck per la biologia cellulare e la genetica (MPI-CBG)


The talk will cover advances in the sequencing of genomes enabled by long read sequencing up to haplotype phased, chromosome level reconstructions that are the current state of the art. Several examples will be given of biologically meaningful features that would not previously have been seen in an unphased reconstruction. The talk ends with a summary of future directions and problems that have yet to be solved.