Human Rights Protection in Times of Covid-19: Challenges and Opportunities

Lunedì 4 ottobre 2021, ore 19:00

Modalità mista: Aula Magna Villa San Saverio e Piattaforma Microsoft Teams 

Classe delle Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali




Relatrice: Prof. Dr. Christina Binder

European Society of International Law







ABSTRACT: The COVID-19 pandemic poses significant challenges to international and regional systems of human rights protection. Extensive interferences with fundamental rights and freedoms became necessary as public health measures. At the same time, the pandemic is also a chance to appreciate the key parameters which human rights provide to deal with the health crisis. This will be shown with specific focus on the European system of human rights protection. Human rights-based parameters help to limit, assess and justify state action. More generally, the relevance of human rights, as evidenced in the context of the pandemic, could contribute in a productive way to the development of a human rights culture at the national level. Against this background, the COVID-19 pandemic may also contribute to a renewed relevance of human rights and weaken backlash tendencies towards human rights monitoring institutions as the ECtHR.



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