Earth Democracy

giovedì 22 aprile 2021, ore 11.30
Scuola Superiore di Catania
su piattaforma Microsoft Teams


Celebrating 2021 Earth Day with

  Vandana Shiva

philosopher, environmental activist, ecofeminist


Welcome Addresses:
Maria Rosaria Maugeri
President of the Scuola Superiore di Catania

Gesualdo Busacca
Ph.D., Alumnus SSC


ABSTRACT: We are facing an existential crisis with multiple emergencies. The multiple crises and pandemics we face today – the health pandemic, the hunger pandemic, the poverty pandemic, the climate emergency, the extinction emergency, the emergency of injustice, exclusion and inequality, dispossession and disposability of large numbers of humanity – are all rooted in a world view based on the illusions of separation and superiority which deny interconnectedness and oneness .
Earth Democracy is a world view, paradigm and practice that is based on the recognition that everything is interconnected, the Earth Is Living, the Earth has rights, that we have duties to care for the earth, and regenerate her soil, seeds and biodiversity, her water and food systems. Our rights flow like a spring from our duties.


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