Comunicare la ricerca in modo efficace


Giovedì 16 febbraio 2017, ore 11
Scuola Superiore di Catania
Aula Magna, Villa San Saverio

Relatore: Leonardo Alfonsi
Divulgatore scientifico

Francesco Priolo
Università degli Studi di Catania

Salvo Mirabella
Università degli Studi di Catania

ABSTRACT: Quali aspetti si trova ad affrontare un'istituzione che fa ricerca e che vuole sviluppare attività di public engagement?
Dopo aver ricostruito il panorama europeo nel campo del public engagement dedicato a scienza e tecnologia, si illustrano alcuni casi di studio e i risultati delle osservazioni condotte nel corso del progetto SHARPER per la Notte Europea dei Ricercatori. Sulla base di questi elementi si presenterà un possibile approccio al public engagement per le università e i centri di ricerca.

Leonardo Alfonsi is a science communicator and physicist active in science communication projects development and management since 1998 at national and international level.
He served as president of Eusea, the European Science Events Association, form July 2012 to May 2016 and since 2004 he is director of events at Psiquadro a non-profit organization where he runs science communication projects jointly developed with Universities, Research Institutions, Science Centres and Museums and Cultural Institutions in Italy and Europe. Over the last fifteen years Alfonsi developed a thorough knowledge of science communication in science events, museums, schools, and the media through trainings, work experiences and project management in Europe. In 2015 he received the prize “Romeo Bassoli” for outreach activities awarder by the Italian Physical Society. From 2013 to 2016 he attended a PhD in Physics and Geology at the University of Perugia developing a research project on the concept of "Responsible Communication" where he identified key elements for an academic framework for public engagement.

Per informazioni: Dott.ssa Maria Sanfilippo - E-mail: – Tel: 0952338526