Regulating telecoms in Europe. Main stakes in a new context


Lunedì 14 settembre 2015, ore 18
Scuola Superiore di Catania
Aula Magna, Villa San Saverio

Relatore: Françoise Benhamou
Commissioner ARCEP
Professor of Economics at Paris 13 University and Sciences Po-Paris

Presenta e modera:
Ilde Rizzo
Ordinario di Scienza delle Finanze
Università di Catania

Giacomo Pignataro
Rettore Università di Catania

Francesco Priolo
Presidente Scuola Superiore di Catania

ABSTRACT: Technological and economic dynamics lead to changes in telcoms regulation in Europe. Regulatory authorities are differentlty organized in the European countries- but confronted to similar stakes. Market structures and forms of competition are changing and require adaptation of rules and economic principles supporting regulatory decisions. Regulators face new players that were not traditionally part of telecomn sectors (especially OTT -over the top- companies). Regulation agencies develop new skills and face tensions between the construction of a unique European market and the development of national telcoms infrastructure.

St petersourg st michel fb 064

SPEAKER'S BIO: Economist, Commissioner ARCEP (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes) since 2012
Professor of Economics at Paris 13 University and Sciences Po-Paris. Member of the Board of the Musée du Louvre, of the Board of the Institut national du Patrimoine, of the Cercle des Economistes. Member of the program Committee of the TV channel ARTE, of the Board of the Association française de sciences économiques, of the board of the journal Esprit, of the Conseil d’orientation de la fondation Jean Jaurès, of the Scientific Committee of the Fondation pour les Sciences Humaines.
President of the research Committee of the Centre National du livre.
Past-President of the ACEI (Association for Cultural Economics International).
Personal page


Per informazioni: Dott.ssa Maria Sanfilippo – E-mail: – Tel: 0952338526

September 14, 2015
Speaker: Françoise Benhamou

ABSTRACT: Technological and economic dynamics lead to changes in telcoms regulation in Europe. Regulatory authorities are differentlty organized in the European countries- but confronted to similar stakes. Market structures and forms of competition are changing and require adaptation of rules and economic principles supporting regulatory decisions. Regulators face new players that were not traditionally part of telecomn sectors (especially OTT -over the top- companies). Regulation agencies develop new skills and face tensions between the construction of a unique European market and the development of national telcoms infrastructure.

St petersourg st michel fb 064

SPEAKER'S BIO: Economist, Commissioner ARCEP (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes) since 2012
Professor of Economics at Paris 13 University and Sciences Po-Paris. Member of the Board of the Musée du Louvre, of the Board of the Institut national du Patrimoine, of the Cercle des Economistes. Member of the program Committee of the TV channel ARTE, of the Board of the Association française de sciences économiques, of the board of the journal Esprit, of the Conseil d’orientation de la fondation Jean Jaurès, of the Scientific Committee of the Fondation pour les Sciences Humaines.
President of the research Committee of the Centre National du livre.
Past-President of the ACEI (Association for Cultural Economics International).
Personal page