Modern X-ray Science

13 dicembre 2016

Martedì 13 dicembre 2016, ore 17.30
Scuola Superiore di Catania
Villa San Saverio

Relatore: Francesco Sette
Direttore Generale European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) - Grenoble

ABSTRACT: Synchrotron science is increasingly in demand to support research in many fields. In recent years, many new opportunities have been opened in frontier research at synchrotrons for both traditional users’ communities and for applied and industrial research. Non-disruptive 3D-imaging with nanometer space resolution is particularly impressive when coupled with X-ray scattering and spectroscopy methodologies, as it can provide images with single atom chemical, bonding, magnetic, etc. information. Progress in synchrotron science is paralleled by important advances in other techniques and methods as the development of X-ray science at XFELs, and progress in optical and electron microscopies. This presentation reviews frontier science using synchrotron radiation from present and future storage rings, and refers to the ongoing Upgrade Programme (UP) of the ESRF.


SPEAKER'S BIO: A pioneer in research with synchrotron radiation, Francesco Sette spent eight years at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey (USA). Whilst in the United States, Sette co-invented the world’s first high-energy-resolution, high-intensity soft X-ray source, which quickly found its way into many synchrotron light facilities around the globe. Sette became a staff member of the ESRF in 1991, where, as a group leader, he developed a new generation of inelastic X-ray scattering beamlines which made it possible to study atomic motions and electronic properties of condensed matter in unexplored momentum-energy phase space regions. In 2001, Sette became Director of Research at the ESRF, playing a pivotal role in the conception and launch of the ESRF Upgrade Programme 2009-2018. On 1 January 2009, he took up the post of Director General, on a five-year term. Sette is the fourth Director General of the ESRF. Sette has served as a member of the Advisory Committees of major light sources, including The European X-FEL in Hamburg (Germany), the LCLS at Stanford National Accelerator Laboratory (USA) and the Scientific Council at DESY.

Per informazioni: Dott.ssa Maria Sanfilippo - E-mail: – Tel: 0952338526