Migration crisis, human rights, state sovereignty: a multidisciplinary approach

Venerdì 26 ottobre 2018, ore 17.00
Aula Magna, Scuola Superiore di Catania
Villa San Saverio, Via Valdisavoia, 9


Welcome Address:
Francesco Priolo
Scuola Superiore di Catania

Introductory Remarks and Chair:
Adriana Ciancio
University of Catania

Uli Brückner - Stanford University in Berlin
Andrea De Petris - University “Fortunato Giustino” of Benevento
Adriana Di Stefano - University of Catania
Marta Pachocka - Warsaw School of Economics
Rosario Valastro - Italian Red Cross
Anna Visvizi - “Deree” - The American College of Greece


ABSTRACT: The so-called migration crisis is dominating the European public debate as one of the biggest challenges currently facing the process of political integration in the EU. As well known, the project of a true political Union risks to fail under the pressure of different national views on the best way to cope with the huge flows of immigrants arriving in Europe in these last years, applying for international protection and asylum. In this context, whilst some States claim for the strict respect of the so-called “Dublin Convention”, others, more deeply affected by the phenomenon for geographical reasons, urge for reforming the current regulation so to foster a wider re-allocation of thousands of immigrants who, almost daily, reach their territories, seeking for permission to stay, freedom of movement along the whole European territory, assistance, and more in general better conditions of life. Given these premises, the roundtable “Migration crisis, human rights, state sovereignty: a multidisciplinary approach” aims both at analyzing the different national policies on the matter and at contributing to elaborate a single strategy acceptable and satisfactory for all the Governments involved. Thus, the international roundtable joins distinguished scholars with different expertise (law, political science, economics) as, for its complexity, the topic requires to be assessed from different points of views. Indeed, any regulation of the phenomenon needs to reach a delicate balance between, at least, the respect for human dignity with its corollary of protection of fundamental rights, on the one hand, and the maintenance of the conditions of survival of the State itself, as it might be considered first and foremost the financial sustainability of the measures of reception and integration, on the other hand. For the best outcome of the event, the activity is organized in partnership with the Jean Monnet Module “EUMIGRO” co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Program at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and profits of the experience of the Italian Red Cross in the field. 




L’iniziativa è organizzata in parternariato con il modulo Jean Monnet "EUMIGRO - The European Union and the contemporary International Migration - an Interdisciplinary approach" cofinanziato dall'Unione europea nell'ambito del programma Erasmus+ presso la SGH Warsaw School of Economics.




​Per informazioni: ssc@unict.it