Materials and Technologies for Industrial Innovation
Italian-Israeli Cooperation Workshop on
“Materials and Technologies for Industrial Innovation”
Catania, 16-17 October 2018
Chair: Francesco Priolo
Co-Chairs: Antonio Terrasi and Salvo Mirabella
Israel and Italy share a strong attitude towards innovation. This bilateral workshop - organised within the framework of the cooperation agreement on industrial, scientific and technological research signed by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MAECI) and the Israeli Ministry for Science and Technology (MOST) - will gather together key players from industry, research centres and academia coming from the two countries and acting in the field of materials and related technologies. The aim is to present best practices in the exploitation of research results, in the creation of start ups and in the industry-university interaction within the strategic field of novel materials. The workshop will consist of invited oral presentations but time will be kept for round tables, ample discussion and interaction. We expect to stimulate collaboration among partners from the two countries in a win-win scenario.
Preliminary list of invited speakers:
Assaf Anderson (MaterialsZone)
Doron Auerbach (Bar Ilan University)
David Cahen (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Yair Ein Eli (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
Moshe Eizenberg (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
Louisa Meshi (Ben Gurion Univ.)
Haim Rousso (VP, Elbit Systems)
Yosi Shacham (Tel Aviv University)
Ervin Tal-Gutelmacher (PO-CELLTECH)
Reshef Tenne (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Dan Vilenski (former CEO Applied Material)
Ruggero Aricò (VP Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo)
Sergio Brovelli (CTO GlasstoPower)
Ernesto Ciorra (Chief Innovability Officer, Enel)
Giacomo Cuttone (Director LNS, National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Aldo Di Carlo (Roma Tor Vergata University)
Roman Krahne (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
Leo Miglio (President, Eupolis Lombardia)
Corrado Spinella (Director, National Research Council)
Luisa Torsi (Bari University - past President, European Materials Research Society)
Diederik Wiersma (President, INRIM National Metrology Institute)
Location: Scuola Superiore di Catania - University of Catania, via Valdisavoia 9 Catania - Italy (
More information: Prof. Francesco Priolo, University of Catania (
The workshop is co-organized by: